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In the studio, a "maquette" is a small, usually tabletop-sized piece that is seen as a design for a possible large scale sculpture. The large sculpture is an artist's dream and a possibility, but these small maquettes are unique pieces of art in and of themselves.

Often times a full scale sculpture begins with a maquette. This provides an idea for how the full scale piece will look and come together. Both the artist and the viewer benefit from being able to modify a design and the creation techniques based on desired looks and location. Although sculptures in their own right, maquettes may evolve into full size sculptures.

A "maquette" is seen as a small, usually tabletop-sized piece that is a design for a possible large-scale sculpture. The large sculpture is an artist's dream and a possibility. These small maquettes are unique pieces of art in and of themselves but are not quite as monumental as the dream or the design might suggest.

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